Who Determines Your Worth?
One of the things i had to confront in my life was the issue of perfectionism . When you are a perfectionist, you tend either to push yourself all the time to be better or to go into failure mode and give up, believing that you'll never succeed. My tendency was to live with a sense that GOD was disappointed in me - that i was not good enough. Through study and prayer and time alone with HIM, the LORD assured me that i am loved and secure. I know that i'm HIS princess, accepted and cherished.
Because many people spend much of their time trying to please others, they're uncomfortable in their own skin and don't know who they are Unfortunately, they derive their sense of worth from what they do or don't do for others. It's all based on a false and conditional love. We can get so wrapped up in our selfishness that we cant see beyond ourselves to find our worth in GOD - who we are in HIM.
GOD's love is purely selfless because HE was willing to give up what's most important to HIM - HIS only son - to redeem you. He cherishes you as HIS precious creation. (Romans 5:6-8)
How much time do you spend in the morning thinking about how other perceive you based on what you look like each day? How could you spend some of that time contemplating your worth in GOD's eyes? Look in the mirror and realize how precious you are to HIM.
~Rebecca St. James