Weekly Challenge

Remember that GOD is always with you, holding your hand, do not be afraid.


Who Determines Your Worth?

One of the things i had to confront in my life was the issue of perfectionism . When you are a perfectionist, you tend either to push yourself all the time to be better or to go into failure mode and give up, believing that you'll never succeed. My tendency was to live with a sense that GOD was disappointed in me - that i was not good enough. Through study and prayer and time alone with HIM, the LORD assured me that i am loved and secure. I know that i'm HIS princess, accepted and cherished.
Because many people spend much of their time trying to please others, they're uncomfortable in their own skin and don't know who they are Unfortunately, they derive their sense of worth from what they do or don't do for others. It's all based on a false and conditional love. We can get so wrapped up in our selfishness that we cant see beyond ourselves to find our worth in GOD - who we are in HIM.
GOD's love is purely selfless because HE was willing to give up what's most important to HIM - HIS only son - to redeem you. He cherishes you as HIS precious creation. (Romans 5:6-8)
How much time do you spend in the morning thinking about how other perceive you based on what you look like each day? How could you spend some of that time contemplating your worth in GOD's eyes? Look in the mirror and realize how precious you are to HIM.
~Rebecca St. James


In Tune with GODs Purpose

This devotional journey is all about seeking purity of mind, body and spirit. And to seek after purity, we must start in our minds. One definition of pure, when used in the sense of a musical tone, means 'free from harshness or roughness and being in tune.' GOD has a purpose for every one of our lives, and HE invites us to get in tune with HIS plan. To be pure is to seek HIS purpose first and foremost in our lives. If we want our lives to have an impact, that begins and ends with discovering and living our GOD-given purpose. Without purpose we have no clear direction, and we may not know which decision to make when we're at a crossroads. We aren't really living unless we know why we're alive.
Since the begining of time GOD has made everything 'on purpose.' HE created the sky for a reason: to separate the water of the earth from the waters of the heavens (Gen. 1:6-8). HE made the land with a purpose: so there would be dry ground between the seas for us to live on (Gen. 1:9-12). HE designed the sun and the moon with a plan in mind: to mark off seasons, days, and years (Gen. 1:14-18). And as the crowning glory of creation, HE fashioned human being in HIS own image (Gen. 1:26-27). If HE thinks highly enough of you and me to put HIS fingerprint on us, we can be assured that HE has a purpose for everyone of us (Col. 1:16-17).
Are you in tune with GOD's purpose for your life? If you are not on the same page as HIM, ask GOD to show you what HE has in mind and to give you the courage to follow HIS plan.
~Rebecca St. James


Pure is a ninety day devotional by Rebecca St. James. Though it is written for girls much of it is applicable for any Christian. Becuase of how quikly a day goes by i will post weekly instead of daily. I invite you to join me on an amazing journey. This devotional will show you how to live a pure life in mind, body, and spirit. I encourage you to buy the book as it will be something you will read over and over again.
love ya all